Bible Lessons


Yahweh's Son, Yahshua, lived a sinless life, was resurrected from the dead by the Father after three days and three nights, and has now ascended into heaven sitting on the right hand of Yahweh our Father.

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The WEEKLY Sabbath

After Yahweh finished creating all things, He rested on the seventh day. And Yahweh blessed the seventh day and sanctified it because that in it He had rested from all His work which Yahweh created and made. See Genesis 2:1-3.

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Yahweh Creates Mankind

In the book of Genesis, Yahweh created Adam from the dust of the ground. Then He created Eve with one of Adam's ribs, while Adam slept.

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The Great Flood

After Adam and Eve sinned and left the Garden of Eden, mankind grew and populated the earth. But the people did not follow Yahweh's ways and practiced violence everywhere.

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Yahweh's Feasts

The Feasts are special times Yahweh gives us for His worship. These times are for our spiritual and physical rejuvenation. These are in addition to the weekly Sabbath.

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Moon Watching

Have you ever asked the moon “What day is it?” or the sun, “What time is it?” Well if that sounds silly, then keep reading because you’re going to find out it’s true!

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The Book of Psalms

The Book of Psalms is the longest book in the Bible. It is considered by many to be a poetic book, and indeed it is.

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The source of love is from our Heavenly Father Yahweh Who "so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life", John 3:16.

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What is a Covenant?

A covenant is a special agreement. It is an important promise to do something. We find many examples of covenants in the Scriptures.

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The Book of James

While the book of James only contains 5 chapters, we can glean a lot of good advice for how to conduct ourselves as we go about our lives!

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People & Places!

Let's read about people and places in the Bible!

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