• Yahweh loves you!
    Yahweh is Love!
    Let's learn how to love Yahweh and His ways!
    We can learn and have fun!
  • Yahweh has
    a Son!
    Let's learn about Yahweh's Son!
    Yahshua followed his father's ways!
  • Sabbaths
    and Feasts
    Let's gather on Yahweh's days!
    We can all learn and have fun
    together on these special days!
kids growing up with Yahweh
Welcome to Kids for Yah!
A site for kids to grow learning about our Heavenly Father, Yahweh and His Son, Yahshua!
We accept both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible.

Learning about the Bible is Fun!

Did you the Bible tells us which foods are good for us and which foods are bad for us? The Bible teaches us so much more too!

The Bible leads us to do good for ourselves and for others! We can also learn all about the people in the Bible to help us grow up to become good men and women!

let's read some Bible lessons!
grow with us
it's fun to learn

Home Office:
2963 County Road 233
Kingdom City, MO 65262
Telephone: 1-573-642-4100
Toll Free: 1-877-642-4101

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